Meet the Founder
After a few years, she was introduced to the hemp plant and became completely fascinated with the
numerous wonderful benefits it provided. After trying dozens of different types and forms of CBD,
(some better than others), she not only became her own testimonial of its positive effects, but
discovered her passion for educating the masses on all that CBD can really do. She knew she could
create something powerful with the finest components, while making it obtainable for all. With an
impressive background and multiple degrees in Public Health, Nursing, Nursing Education and Cannabis
and Therapeutic Science, she's on a mission to educate women and mothers about the health benefits
of hemp-derived products. Education and trusted products are a major component to enabling others to
become their own advocate and take an active role in their own wellness journey. Driven by her passion
to help you reach your health and wellness goals, she's determined to provide you with not only the
information needed to make informed decisions about your health but producing only the finest organic
CBD products!
We are ecstatic to have you on this journey with us! Welcome to the Nursing Tree Family!
Jessica Lewis
Owner & Founder